Review: Trauma in Two Nights, as SALOME follows TURANDOT to the Analyst's Couch in Vienna
by Richard Sasanow - Jun 12, 2024
I couldn’t help but wondering whether the scheduling last week of two recent productions at the Vienna State Opera, Claus Guth’s TURANDOT and Cyril Teste’s SALOME, on subsequent nights had anything more than the availability of the stars behind it. After all, both portrayed the title characters as abused women scarred by powerful men—not exactly the business-as-usual for these works by Puccini and Strauss, respectively—in pared-down productions that hearkened to the father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, as well as to #MeToo.
Wiener Staatsoper Hat Die Spielzeit 2023/2024 Angekündigt
by Team BWW - Apr 15, 2023
Abonnements und Zyklen sind ab dem 17. April bestellbar. Der Kartenverkauf für Vorstellungen im September und Oktober startet am 2. Mai 2023 um 10.00 Uhr, ebenso können ab diesem Zeitpunkt für alle Aufführungen ab November Karten vorbestellt werden.
Wiener Staatsoper Announces Upcoming Events
by Stephi Wild - Sep 1, 2022
Wir freuen uns, Sie darüber zu informieren, dass heute, am 1. September um 10.00 Uhr, der Vorverkauf für alle Vorstellungen im November startet. Sie können die Karten an all unseren Vorverkaufsstellen und selbstverständlich auch online erwerben.
The Metropolitan Opera's Free Summer HD Festival to Return to Lincoln Center
by Chloe Rabinowitz - Aug 12, 2021
The Met’s popular Summer HD Festival returns on Saturday, August 28, featuring a lineup of ten free encore presentations from the company’s popular Live in HD series, as well as a special pre-festival screening of Susan Froemke’s acclaimed documentary The Opera House.
The Metropolitan Opera Has Announced its 2020â€"21 Season
by Chloe Rabinowitz - Feb 13, 2020
Today, the Metropolitan Opera announced its 2020-21 season, the first in which Yannick Nézet-Séguin assumes his full breadth of musical duties as the company's Jeanette Lerman-Neubauer Music Director, conducting six productions. His schedule includes the Met premiere of Jake Heggie's Dead Man Walking, the first contemporary opera conducted by the maestro on the Met stage, as part of his ongoing commitment to opera of our time at the Met, which will expand in the seasons to come.