The world-premiere production of WRINGER, a new musical by Jacob Yandura and Rebekah Greer Melocik. Produced by the award-winning New York City Children's Theater, begins today at New York City Center Stage II. The production continues through April 17, 2016.
The full cast and creative team have been announced for the world-premiere production of WRINGER, a new musical by Jacob Yandura and Rebekah Greer Melocik. Produced by the award-winning New York City Children's Theater, WRINGER will play New York City Center Stage II April 8-17, 2016.
USC WRITERS AND PERFORMERS FIGHT ON On Sunday, September 28, alums of the University of Southern California will perform and present their material in Fight On, a Night of USC Talent to fundraise for the school's theater department.
The West Bank Café has announced upcoming performances to be presented in The Laurie Beechman Theatre. The West Bank Café is located at 407 West 42nd. St., at Ninth Avenue.