Doug Varone And Dancers Awarded The National Dance Project Touring Award
by Molly Tracy - Jan 6, 2017
Doug Varone and Dancers proudlyreceived a National Dance Project (NDP) Touring Award from the New England Foundation for the Arts (NEFA) which will support the company's United States tours of in the shelter of the fold during the eighteen-month tour period of June 1, 2017 - November 30, 2018.
Bisset, Orthwein, Goldhuber and Williams Set for West End Theater's 'Soaking Wet' Series
by BWW
News Desk - May 19, 2016
The intimate and friendly West End Theater will once again play host to the Soaking WET dance series, curated by David Parker and Jeff Kazin, May 19-22, two performances, two different programs daily. The early performances will be shared by Joshua Bisset/Shuagroup and Katy Orthwein; the later shows will feature the ensembles of Larry Goldhuber and Christopher Williams.
Bisset, Orthwein, Goldhuber and Williams Set for West End Theater's 'Soaking Wet' Series
by BWW News Desk - May 18, 2016
The intimate and friendly West End Theater will once again play host to the Soaking WET dance series, curated by David Parker and Jeff Kazin, May 19-22, two performances, two different programs daily. The early performances will be shared by Joshua Bisset/Shuagroup and Katy Orthwein; the later shows will feature the ensembles of Larry Goldhuber and Christopher Williams.
BWW Reviews: Companies Compete for an Evening Length Production at DanceNow Festival at Joe's Pub
by Stephanie Deere - Oct 15, 2013
Thursday evening's DanceNow Festival at Joe's Pub, October 10th, 2013, was an evening teaming with glamour. Down-turned lights, delectable food, fine drinks, and all eyes glued to the small stage on which ten companies performed, separately, five minutes of uniquely prepared work. With the exception of Take Dance, who opened the show with an excerpt from SOMEWHERE FAMILIAR MELODIES, a commissioned work by Joe's Pub in 2013, the artists had to use their five minutes to capture the audience with a well-rounded and completed theme. At the end of the show, the audience was then asked to vote. Who among these nine companies would be the winner of an evening length work presented by Joe's Pub in 2015? I certainly have my own opinions.