Gadfly Theatre Productions presents A Talking Penguin, A Polyamorous Wolf, and a Whole Lot of Queer Theatre
by A.A. Cristi - May 10, 2017
Gadfly Theatre Productions, your local queer & feminist theatre company is ecstatic to bring you their FOURTH annual One-Act Geek Festival. The Final Frontier Festival has presented more queer robots, feminist gods, and outspoken horror movie monsters in the past three years than previously were thought to even exist. This year, don't be fooled by the Fairy Tale theme: these are not the stories you fell asleep listening to as a kid. We've got polyamorous wolves, lesbian led fantastical countries, and a talking penguin named Algernon--and that's just to get you warmed up. We've got six fantastic shows, six of our strongest directors to date, and as much whimsy as we can get crammed into the Fox Egg Gallery. For complete show list, please see attached list.