“Tomatoes Got Talent” – the decade-long talent show created and produced by The Three Tomatoes and Randie Levine-Miller, took its final bow after 10 years! It rocked the house on October 14 at the Triad, NYC. Check out photos here!
Interview: Amadeo Fusca Talks About His One-Man Play MEN ARE FROM MARS WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS LIVE!
Amadeo Fusca brings his hilarious one man show MEN ARE FROM MARS WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS LIVE to the Westport Playhouse on February 14th through 18th for six shows. Part scripted, part improvisation, and part stand-up comedy, Fusca keeps things current and keeps his audience laughing each time he takes the stage. He has a lot of experience explaining the differences between men and women. He has traveled across the country performing this show more than 350 times.
Jeff Ross And Janelle James To Headline 6th Annual FLYOVER COMEDY FESTIVAL In St. Louis
Flyover Comedy Festival is returning to St. Louis Nov 9-11, 2023 with three days of stand-up, improv and sketch comedy. While the full, nearly 100 artist line-up will be revealed in the coming weeks, organizers are releasing a sneak peek and early ticket offering with the announcement of its Thursday night headliner, Sheng Wang, as well as its Saturday night headliners, Jeff Ross and Janelle James.