“Weekend Family” follows the exploits of a chaotic, endearing ‘super-blended’ family. Every weekend, fun-loving Fred (Eric Judor) has custody of his three very different daughters – idealistic Clara (Liona Bordonaro); quirky Victoire (Midie Dreyfus); and demanding Romy (Roxane Barrazuol). Watch the trailer now!
Formerly of New York City, actor/director Todd Pieper will be making his St. Louis directing debut as he helms St. Louis Shakespeare's 26th Season opener, THE TAMING OF THE SHREW (July 16-25) at the Grandel Theatre in Grand Center.
Formerly of New York City, actor/director Todd Pieper will be making his St. Louis directing debut as he helms St. Louis Shakespeare's 26th Season opener, THE TAMING OF THE SHREW (July 16-25) at the Grandel Theatre in Grand Center.