About That Letter, written By Frank Cossa and directed by Art Bernal (Co-Director:Candice Jean-Jacques) and featuring Alan Hasnas, Isabelle Garbani, Daniel Wuerdeman will run at The Beckmann Theatre of the American Theatre of Actors. Learn more!
Playwright Demetra Kareman of Bronx, NY has been announced as the 1st Place Winner of The ATTIC Theatre and Film Center's 18th Annual Denise Ragan Wiesenmeyer One Act Play Festival for her play, Lesson & Carols, said Jamie Gray, The ATTIC Theatre and Film Center's Literary Manager and Producer of the One Act Play Festival. Gray continued, 'The 2nd Place Winner of the competition is playwright Wendy Graf of Los Angeles, CA for her play Bethany/Bakol.'
James Carey, Producing Artistic Director of The ATTIC Theatre and Film Center has announced repertoire to be presented as part of the company's 18th Annual Denise Ragan Wiesenmeyer One Act Play Festival (formerly known as the One Act Marathon), a contest for playwrights. Performances for this event are supported, in part, by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors through the Los Angeles County Arts Commission.
James Carey, Producing Artistic Director of The ATTIC Theatre and Film Center has announced repertoire to be presented as part of the company's 18th Annual Denise Ragan Wiesenmeyer One Act Play Festival (formerly known as the One Act Marathon), a contest for playwrights. Performances for this event are supported, in part, by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors through the Los Angeles County Arts Commission.
James Carey, Producing Artistic Director of The ATTIC Theatre and Film Center has announced repertoire to be presented as part of the company's 18th Annual Denise Ragan Wiesenmeyer One Act Play Festival (formerly known as the One Act Marathon), a contest for playwrights. Performances for this event are supported, in part, by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors through the Los Angeles County Arts Commission.