Broad Stage Presents Red Hen Press Poetry Hour 4/4
by A.A. Cristi - Apr 2, 2020
The Broad Stage presents the Red Hen Press Poetry Hour, a new recurring digital program, the first for both organizations, via The Broad Stage's Facebook Live. The Saturday, April 4 program at 8:00 p.m. features award-winning poet Major Jackson and guests Francesca Bell, Katharine Coles, Didi Jackson, and Douglas Kearney reading selections of their original works hosted by author Sandra Tsing Loh.
The Broad Stage Announces Expanded ASL Interpreted Performances For 19/20 Season
by A.A. Cristi - Sep 30, 2019
The Broad Stage announces an expanded number of American Sign Language (ASL) interpreted performances for the 2019-2020 season in an effort to create an inclusive environment for all audience members and ensure that as many people as possible are able to experience the magic of live performance. The first ASL interpreted performance will be The Moth Mainstage in Los Angeles on October 4.