BWW Review: La BSMT porta Broadway in Bolognina con ASSASSINS e BERNARDA ALBA
Per il quinto anno consecutivo, la Bernstein School of Musical Theatre scalda l'estate bolognese portando in scena cinque musical nell'ambito del Summer Musical Festival. Dopo gli appuntamenti in due dei teatri piu importanti della citta ("All Shook Up" al Teatro Il Celebrazioni e "Crazy For You" al Teatro Duse), il 29 giugno il Festival ha abbracciato uno scenario diverso ed originale: un tendone da circo. Il 29 giugno debuttano infatti due spettacoli di produzione BSMT, "Assassins" e "Bernarda Alba", nel tendone del MagdaClan Circo montato nel Parco di Villa Angeletti, in quella zona della citta con una pessima reputazione piu comunemente nota come Bolognina che, almeno per quattro sere, e stata piu Broadway e meno Bronx.
DUTF Continues This Week with TOADSTOOL TEA, FORMOSA & More
Week one of the Downtown Urban Theater Festival (DUTF) kicked off with a moving performance of Javier Reyes' Toy Soldierz and ended with a sold-out performance of The Messiah Complex. DUTF writers in attendance at the Opening Night Playwrights Reception included Javier Reyes, Royal Shiree, Paul Cosma Cimpoieru, Ana Pepine, Fabio Costaprado, Martyna Majok, Rock Wilk, Andrina Smith and Gustav Gauntlett.
Downtown Urban Theater Festival to Feature TOY SOLDIERZ, FIVE-SIDED TRIANGLE, & More in 12th Season, 4/2-19
Downtown Urban Theater Festival (DUTF), now heading into its 12th season, welcomes springtime in NYC with three weeks of new theatre at HERE's Mainstage, April 2 to 19, 2014. Seventeen of America's best emerging writers and theatrical visionaries will share their stories that interpret our history and our times through live performances fusing theatre, dance, music, media and visual arts. A special addition to this year's festival will be the U.S. premiere of Two of Us, DUTF's international selection from Romania.
Horizon Theatre Rep Presents THE BALCONY, Now thru 11/4
Genet's menacing and hilarious world of political intrigue, violent revolution and distorted eroticism is measured against the mass-media manipulation of today. THE BALCONY will run from tonight, October 11 to November 4 at The Arclight Theatre located at 152 West 71st Street. It will be presented by Horizon Theatre Rep (
PROJECT RUNWAY Announces Season 10 Contestants
Fashion's newest stars have been revealed for the 10th Anniversary season of Lifetime's Emmy(R) Award nominated series, PROJECT RUNWAY, with 16 new designers set to compete on the hit program beginning Thursday, July 19, at 9pm ET/PT.