TRU Hosts Writer-Producer Speed Date 5/16
by BWW
News Desk - May 16, 2010
Writers often meet producers at a party, and have two minutes to interest them in their work. Theater Resources Unlimited (TRU) now offers twenty-two writers a chance to practice their pitching skills with real producers who are open to and looking for new work. TRU's unique WRITER-PRODUCER SPEED DATE will take place on Sunday, May 16, 2010 at 5:30pm and 6:30pm at The Players Theatre, 115 MacDougal Street (below W. 3rd Street), NYC.
TRU Hosts Writer-Producer Speed Date 5/16
by Gabrielle Sierra - May 3, 2010
Writers often meet producers at a party, and have two minutes to interest them in their work. Theater Resources Unlimited (TRU) now offers twenty-two writers a chance to practice their pitching skills with real producers who are open to and looking for new work. TRU's unique WRITER-PRODUCER SPEED DATE will take place on Sunday, May 16, 2010 at 5:30pm and 6:30pm at The Players Theatre, 115 MacDougal Street (below W. 3rd Street), NYC.