The legacy of the beloved "Mister Rogers" lives on with the hit television series, Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, from The Fred Rogers Company and airing daily on PBS KIDS. Now, Daniel and all of his friends are hopping aboard Trolley to delight live audiences with Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood Live! coming to The Hanover Theatre for Performing Arts in Worcester, Massachusetts on October 7 at 2 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Tickets (starting at $29) are now on sale at TheHanoverTheatre.org, by phone at 877.571.SHOW (7469) or at The Hanover Theatre box office located at 2 Southbridge Street in downtown Worcester. Limited VIP meet and greet tickets are also available.
DANIEL TIGER'S NEIGHBORHOOD LIVE! Launches New 'King For A Day' Tour Today
It's a beautiful day - in neighborhoods coast-to-coast, as Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood LIVE!, the fun-filled hit musical production from The Fred Rogers Company and Mills Entertainment based on the Emmy-nominated PBS KIDS series for preschoolers, hits the road again with King For A Day this fall!
Cutting Ball Theater Announces 2017-18 Season
Cutting Ball Theater, the Bay Area's number one destination for experimental theater, has announced the program for its 2017-18 Season. Affirming its commitment to avant-garde works of the past, present and future, and to re-envisioning the classics, next year's season is bookended by Pulitzer Prize winner Paula Vogel's The Mineola Twins and Shakespeare's late tragedy, Timon of Athens. Rounding out the season is a two-week festival in February featuring three series of plays.
Cutting Ball Theater Announces 2017-18 Season
Cutting Ball Theater, the Bay Area's number one destination for experimental theater, has announced the program for its 2017-18 Season. Affirming its commitment to avant-garde works of the past, present and future, and to re-envisioning the classics, next year's season is bookended by Pulitzer Prize winner Paula Vogel's The Mineola Twins and Shakespeare's late tragedy, Timon of Athens. Rounding out the season is a two-week festival in February featuring three series of plays.
MUSIC ON FILM Enters Its Sixth Year
The Royal Conservatory of Music and Hot Docs celebrate the sixth annual edition of this unique and ever-popular film series. Exploring and honouring music genres from around the world, Music on Film features stimulating post-screening discussions and short performances with accomplished musicians moderated by Mervon Mehta, Executive Director of The Royal Conservatory of Music's Performing Arts Division.
PICT Classic Theatre Announces 2017-2018 Season
PICT Classic Theatre announces its 2017-2018 Season, with a focus on classic authors William Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde, and Charlotte Bronte, in new performance venues in Crafton, Oakland, and Point Breeze.
The Glenwood Avenue Arts Fest (GAAF) is a free weekend-long event, drawing approximately 15,000 visitors, celebrating its 16th year. The Fest includes a street art fair with over 150 artist-vendors, and live entertainment on three outdoor stages featuring over 30 acts. Experience art, theater, music, as well as food and drink, on the brick-laid streets of the Glenwood Avenue Arts District in Chicago's historic Rogers Park neighborhood. For more information visit www.GlenwoodAve.org.
Mr. Popper's Penguins, Jay Leno, Black Violin and More Coming Up at bergenPAC
New shows on sale at bergenPAC: Mr. Popper's Penguin - Sunday, Feb. 18, 2018 at 1 & 4 p.m.; Jay Leno - Friday, March 2 at 8 p.m.; Erth's Dinosaur Zoo Live - Sunday, March 11 at 1 & 4 p.m.; America Kundert Volvo Concert Series - Thursday, March 29, 2018 at 8 p.m.; Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site - Sunday, April 8, 2018 at 1 & 4 p.m.; Black Violin - Wednesday, April 11, 2018 at 8 p.m.; Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood Live: King for a Day - Saturday, April 21, 2018 at 1:30 & 5 p.m.
???????The legacy of the beloved "Mister Rogers" lives on with the hit television series, Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, from The Fred Rogers Company and airing daily on PBS KIDS. Now, Daniel and all of his friends are hopping aboard Trolley to delight live audiences with Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood Live! coming to The Hanover Theatre for Performing Arts in Worcester, Massachusetts on October 7 at 2 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Tickets (starting at $29) are now on sale at TheHanoverTheatre.org, by phone at 877.571.SHOW (7469) or at The Hanover Theatre box office located at 2 Southbridge Street in downtown Worcester. Limited VIP meet and greet tickets are also available.