Ashlie Atkinson Stars in Bridge Theatre Company's THE PARTICULARS at FringeNYC, Now thru 8/26
by BWW News Desk - Aug 11, 2012
The Bridge Theatre Company presents the American premiere of Canadian playwright Matthew MacKenzie's The Particulars, as part of the 16th annual New York International Fringe Festival - FringeNYC. The Particulars marks the third consecutive year at FringeNYC for the Bridge Theatre Company, following last year's production of Nicolas Billon's Greenland, winner of the Fringe Festival Award for Overall Excellence in Playwriting, and 2010's critically acclaimed production of The Swearing Jar, by Kate Hewlett.
Ashlie Atkinson Stars in Bridge Theatre Company's THE PARTICULARS at FringeNYC, 8/11-26
by BWW News Desk - Aug 3, 2012
The Bridge Theatre Company presents the American premiere of Canadian playwright Matthew MacKenzie's The Particulars, as part of the 16th annual New York International Fringe Festival - FringeNYC. The Particulars marks the third consecutive year at FringeNYC for the Bridge Theatre Company, following last year's production of Nicolas Billon's Greenland, winner of the Fringe Festival Award for Overall Excellence in Playwriting, and 2010's critically acclaimed production of The Swearing Jar, by Kate Hewlett.
Off-Broadway's ANY NIGHT To Close June 19
by Gabrielle Sierra - Jun 10, 2011
Starry Night Entertainment (White People, Mistakes Were Made) in association with The Bridge Theatre Company presents DualMinds Productions' U.S. Premiere of ANY NIGHT.
Starry Night & Bridge Theatre Company Present ANY NIGHT, 6/8
by Gabrielle Sierra - May 17, 2011
Starry Night Entertainment (White People, Mistakes Were Made) inassociation with The Bridge Theatre Company presents DualMinds Productions' U.S. Premiere of ANY NIGHT. Winner of 5 Toronto Now Awards (Outstanding Production, New Play, Direction, Performances, & Design), this romantic thriller is written and performed by Daniel Arnold & Medina Hahn and directed by Ron Jenkins (Bash'd). Previews begin June 2 at The LABA Theatre at The 14th Street Y with opening night slated for Wednesday, June 8.
Starry Night & Bridge Theatre Company Present ANY NIGHT, 6/8
by Nicole Rosky - May 5, 2011
Starry Night Entertainment (White People, Mistakes Were Made) inassociation with The Bridge Theatre Company presents DualMinds Productions' U.S. Premiere of ANY NIGHT. Winner of 5 Toronto Now Awards (Outstanding Production, New Play, Direction, Performances, & Design), this romantic thriller is written and performed by Daniel Arnold & Medina Hahn and directed by Ron Jenkins (Bash'd). Previews begin June 2 at The LABA Theatre at The 14th Street Y with opening night slated for Wednesday, June 8.
Thompson Directs SIA For Bridge Theatre Company
by BWW
News Desk - Apr 1, 2011
The Bridge Theatre Company kicks off its 7th season with a workshop production of Matthew MacKenzie's SIA, winner of the 2010 Alberta Playwriting Competition.
Thompson Directs SIA For Bridge Theatre Company
by Gabrielle Sierra - Mar 14, 2011
The Bridge Theatre Company kicks off its 7th season with a workshop production of Matthew MacKenzie's SIA, winner of the 2010 Alberta Playwriting Competition.
Photo Flash: 1984 At 59E59 Theater
by Gabrielle Sierra - Mar 16, 2009
59E59 Theaters (Elysabeth Kleinhans, Artistic Director; Peter Tear, Executive Producer) welcomes
the return of Godlight Theatre Company with Alan Lyddiard's adaptation of George Orwell's 1984, directed by Joe Tantalo. 1984 begins previews on Friday, March 13 for a limited engagement through Sunday, April 19. Opening Night is Wednesday, March 25 at 8:30 PM. The performance
schedule is Tuesday at 7:30 PM, Wednesday - Friday at 8:30 PM; Saturday at 2:30 PM and 8:30 PM and Sunday at 3:30 PM.
Orwell's 1984 Begins Previews 3/13 At 59E59 Theaters
by BWW News Desk - Mar 13, 2009
59E59 Theaters (Elysabeth Kleinhans, Artistic Director; Peter Tear, Executive Producer) welcomes the return of Godlight Theatre Company with Alan Lyddiard's adaptation of George Orwell's 1984, directed by Joe Tantalo. 1984 begins previews on Friday, March 13 for a limited engagement through Sunday, April 19. Opening Night is Wednesday, March 25 at 8:30 PM. The performance schedule is Tuesday at 7:30 PM, Wednesday - Friday at 8:30 PM; Saturday at 2:30 PM and 8:30 PM and Sunday at 3:30 PM.
Orwell's 1984 Comes to 59E59 Theater March 13 - April 19
by BWW News Desk - Mar 13, 2009
59E59 Theaters (Elysabeth Kleinhans, Artistic Director; Peter Tear, Executive Producer) welcomes the return of Godlight Theatre Company with Alan Lyddiard's adaptation of George Orwell's 1984, directed by Joe Tantalo.
Orwell's 1984 Begins Previews 3/13 At 59E59 Theaters
by Gabrielle Sierra - Feb 19, 2009
59E59 Theaters (Elysabeth Kleinhans, Artistic Director; Peter Tear, Executive Producer) welcomes the return of Godlight Theatre Company with Alan Lyddiard's adaptation of George Orwell's 1984, directed by Joe Tantalo. 1984 begins previews on Friday, March 13 for a limited engagement through Sunday, April 19. Opening Night is Wednesday, March 25 at 8:30 PM. The performance schedule is Tuesday at 7:30 PM, Wednesday - Friday at 8:30 PM; Saturday at 2:30 PM and 8:30 PM and Sunday at 3:30 PM.
Orwell's 1984 Comes to 59E59 Theater March 13 - April 19
by Robert Diamond - Feb 18, 2009
59E59 Theaters (Elysabeth Kleinhans, Artistic Director; Peter Tear, Executive Producer) welcomes the return of Godlight Theatre Company with Alan Lyddiard's adaptation of George Orwell's 1984, directed by Joe Tantalo.