Review Roundup: LAND OF THE FREE at Southwark Playhouse
See what the critics are saying about Land of the Free at Southwark Playhouse. Playing in the lead up to the most contentious American presidential election since the time of the Civil War, Land of The Free, tells the full story for the first time in British theatre of the life of the actor John Wilkes Booth. Read all of the reviews.
Review: LAND OF THE FREE, Southwark Playhouse
Land of the Free might be considered a success. Yes, its structure stumbles and feels a bit misguided at times, but it got a room full of people discussing some truly important issues. In a world facing such uncertainty, that’s exactly the kind of conversation theatre should be encouraging!
Photo Flash: In Rehearsal for simple8's DON'T SLEEP THERE ARE SNAKES at Park Theatre
simple8, the critically-acclaimed ensemble based theatre company - winners of the 2015 Peter Brook / Empty Space Awards - will make their Park Theatre debut with the world premiere of a new play by Sebastian Armesto and Dudley Hinton. DON'T SLEEP THERE ARE SNAKES, based on the true story and book by linguist, author and academic, Daniel Everett, will play at Park Theatre on March 22-April 23.
Park Theatre Announces Complete Schedule for 2016 Season
As Park Theatre enters its third year, Artistic Director Jez Bond today announces its new season of work, including seven new writing world premieres alongside a number of exciting revivals, and a brand new British musical.