Fresh from the success of their farcical dark comedy 'The Bakery', The Bardic Bastards return to the Hollywood Fringe Festival with a midnight tale of murderous malarkey. The Midnight Menagerie, a new one-act by Brandon Nicholas Pfeltz, is a twistedly funny take on the rotten decisions of the deplorable delinquents that haunt the screens of Hollywood.
Fresh from the success of their farcical dark comedy 'The Bakery', The Bardic Bastards return to the Hollywood Fringe Festival with a midnight tale of murderous malarkey. The Midnight Menagerie, a new one-act by Brandon Nicholas Pfeltz, is a twistedly funny take on the rotten decisions of the deplorable delinquents that haunt the screens of Hollywood.
Fresh from the success of their farcical dark comedy 'The Bakery', The Bardic Bastards return to the Hollywood Fringe Festival with a midnight tale of murderous malarkey. The Midnight Menagerie, a new one-act by Brandon Nicholas Pfeltz, is a twistedly funny take on the rotten decisions of the deplorable delinquents that haunt the screens of Hollywood.