HALL PASS, Washington Square Park Shows & More Set for NYU's 'Site-Specific' Forum This Weekend
by BWW News Desk - Apr 23, 2015
This week, New York University's Program in Educational Theatre will host The Forum on Site-Specific Performance, which includes a series of curated performances throughout Washington Square Park and adjacent neighborhoods. The forum will also feature a commissioned work, HALL PASS, from Blake McCarty (Creator and Co-Producer of last summer's Play/Date) which will premiere at Grace Church School in a production directed by Sabrina Jacob.
HALL PASS, Washington Square Park Shows & More Set for NYU's 'Site-Specific' Forum This Weekend
by BWW News Desk - Apr 21, 2015
This week, New York University's Program in Educational Theatre will host The Forum on Site-Specific Performance, which includes a series of curated performances throughout Washington Square Park and adjacent neighborhoods. The forum will also feature a commissioned work, HALL PASS, from Blake McCarty (Creator and Co-Producer of last summer's Play/Date) which will premiere at Grace Church School in a production directed by Sabrina Jacob.
Sixth Voice 4 Vision Puppet Festival Held At TNC 12/8-18
by Gabrielle Sierra - Nov 4, 2011
The Sixth Voice 4 Vision Puppet Festival (www.voice4vision.org) will be presented December 8 to 18, 2011 by Theater for the New City to celebrate the work of a unique group of New York artists who have been creating dynamic puppet theater for many years.