Who Gets a Caricature Portrait at Sardi’s?
Every year, select stars are chosen to join the caricature-covered walls of Sardi's. What is the process for who is selected and how does the process go down? We're unpacking how it all works!
ESP Announces Reading of GETTING MARRIED at Seattle Public Theatre, 5/16
ESP announces, as its May reading, George Bernard Shaw's Getting Married. The family members of the Bishop of Chelsea come to his house on the day he is readying his youngest daughter for marriage, and all manner of romantic hell breaks loose. One of the Bishop's brothers is madly pursuing the Bishop's sister-in-law, who herself has definite ideas about not traipsing down the aisle; the other brother is getting divorced from a wife who is rather seriously interested in having two husbands.
ESP Announces Reading of GETTING MARRIED at Seattle Public Theatre, 5/16
ESP announces, as its May reading, George Bernard Shaw's Getting Married. The family members of the Bishop of Chelsea come to his house on the day he is readying his youngest daughter for marriage, and all manner of romantic hell breaks loose. One of the Bishop's brothers is madly pursuing the Bishop's sister-in-law, who herself has definite ideas about not traipsing down the aisle; the other brother is getting divorced from a wife who is rather seriously interested in having two husbands.
Conejo Players Theatre Announces Their Upcoming Events for April Thru June
Conejo Players Theatre in Thousand Oaks, CA has announced a full calendar events for April until late June. Theatre Workshops, auditions, and the the upcoming plays, HEAVEN CAN WAIT & STALAG 17, are all included in the Spring/Early Summer lineup. For more information on listed events, visit www.conejoplayers.org.