American Survivor of Algerian Gas Plant Attack Set for CBS's 60 MINUTES Tonight
by TV News Desk - Feb 10, 2013
Cobb, Wysocki and Frazier, three of the five Americans who survived the al Qaeda attack on an Algerian natural gas facility that resulted in the deaths of 37 people, recount their ordeals for the first time to Charlie Rose for a 60 MINUTES report to be broadcast, tonight, Feb. 10 (7:00-8:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.
American Survivor of Algerian Gas Plant Attack Set for CBS's 60 MINUTES, 2/10
by Caryn Robbins - Feb 7, 2013
Cobb, Wysocki and Frazier, three of the five Americans who survived the al Qaeda attack on an Algerian natural gas facility that resulted in the deaths of 37 people, recount their ordeals for the first time to Charlie Rose for a 60 MINUTES report to be broadcast, Sunday, Feb. 10 (7:00-8:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.