Marlowe Theatre in Canterbury Announces Season of Socially-Distanced Shows
by Chloe Rabinowitz - Nov 18, 2020
Following on from the fun-sized pantomime Nurse Nellie Saves Panto (Friday 11 December - Sunday 3 January), the season will be a rich mix of music, comedy, dance and drama, designed to lift your spirits and celebrate the shared experience of live performance once more.
Marlowe Theatre in Canterbury Announces Socially Distanced NURSE NELLIE SAVES PANTO
by Chloe Rabinowitz - Oct 1, 2020
Nurse Nellie Saves Panto, running between Friday 11 December to Sunday 3 January, will be performed to a socially distanced audience and will star much-loved panto legend Ben Roddy who has played the Dame in The Marlowe's pantomimes for the last ten years. He will be joined by a cast of other Marlowe pantomime favourites, to be announced soon.
The Marlowe, Canterbury Seeks Trustees
by Julie Musbach - Jul 8, 2019
The Marlowe is seeking exceptional people who can bring strategic thinking, expertise and a passion for the transformative power of the arts to the role of Trustee, at this important stage in The Marlowe's development.
The Marlowe to Celebrate Famous Writers of Canterbury
by Julie Musbach - Mar 28, 2019
Opening on Saturday 6 April, Kent's Remarkable Writers: The Worlds of Christopher Marlowe, Aphra Behn and Joseph Conrad explores the lives of three writers, their connections to Canterbury and the different times in which they lived.