DADDY'S EYES Added to Oscar-Qualifying LA Shorts International Film Festival
by Michael Major - Jul 19, 2022
DADDY’S EYES is produced by Drew Ann and John K. Anderson, and written by Anderson; additional talent includes director of photography Byron Werner, editor Steven Nevius, production designer Kelsey Wright, and costume designer Danielle “Dani” Brown. Music was scored by John Ballinger, with additional music production by Mike Farrell.
TV: GO BROADWAY nos presenta su curso intensivo en Madrid
by Angeles Diaz - Oct 4, 2021
GO BROADWAY ofrecerá en Madrid un intensivo de teatro musical. La productora de Broadway y directora argentina Valentina Berger trae a la capital española su curso que ha llevado por todo el mundo.
Desde los días 27 de septiembre al 11 se octubre está llevando a cabo el plan profesional, mientras que el plan adolescente se realizó el 25 y 26 de septiembre.
GO Broadway ofrece Master Classes online para todo el mundo
by Juan-Jose Gonzalez - Mar 18, 2020
Desde el 16 de marzo y hasta el 3 de abril, en el aula virtual de GO Broadway se podrá asistir a Master Classes con artistas, directores, productores y reconocidas figuras del musical (nacionales e internacionales).
El programa de estudios GO BROADWAY llega a Madrid
by Jose German Martinez Paneque - Jan 14, 2020
El próximo mes de marzo llega a Madrid el exitoso programa de estudios de teatro musical GO BROADWAY, que forma profesionales del sector en las ciudades clave para el género.
City Theatre Announces Details of MOMENTUM '19 New Plays at Different Stages
by A.A. Cristi - May 7, 2019
The annual Momentum Festival of New Plays at Different Stages will close the 2018-19 City Theatre season with four days of an intergenerational epic, an unconventional comedy, a chilling thriller, and a touching story of hope. Supported by The Fine Foundation, the festival runs May 30 - June 2, 2019, and is free and open to the public, though reservations are required as seating is limited. Reservations may be made at or by calling the box office at 412-431-CITY (2489). Event schedule and project descriptions below.
DADDY'S BOY World Premiere Set for NYC Dream Up Festival, 8/30-9/6
by Tyler Peterson - Aug 19, 2015
Theater for the New City's Dream Up Festival 2015 presents Daddy's Boy, a world premiere play written by Cristian Avila where the wrestling ring becomes a battleground sexuality, family and identity. Avila directs a cast of eight, including David Conrad Brouillard, Julia Gyory, Aya Esther Hayashi, Jonathan Palmiotti, Christopher Staley*, Kyle Stockburger, Rachel Wharton, and Nick Zale. Six performances will be staged at Theater for the New City, 155 First Avenue (bet. 9th and 10th Streets), New York, NY 10003 from August 30-September 6, 2015. *Member, Actors' Equity Association. AEA Showcase.
Red Bull's 'TIS PITY SHE'S A WHORE Begins Tonight Off-Broadway
by BWW News Desk - Apr 14, 2015
This season's mainstage production, John Ford's 'Tis Pity She's A Whore, directed by Red Bull Artistic Director Jesse Berger, will begin a limited Off-Broadway engagement tonight, April 14th at The Duke on 42nd Street. Opening Night is set for Sunday April 26th. Performances continue through May 16th.
Full Cast Announced for Red Bull's 'TIS PITY SHE'S A WHORE, Running This Spring
by BWW News Desk - Mar 10, 2015
This season's mainstage production, John Ford's 'Tis Pity She's A Whore, directed by Red Bull Artistic Director Jesse Berger, will begin a limited Off-Broadway engagement April 14th at The Duke on 42nd Street. Opening Night is set for Sunday April 26th. Performances continue through May 16th.