Blue Metropolis Announces Springtime Festivals
by A.A. Cristi - Apr 7, 2021
Starting April 24 and running until May 2, the spring programming of the 23rd Blue Metropolis International Literary Festival will be in full swing, along with the TD-Blue Metropolis Children's Festival.
The Festival Of Audacity Makes Birmingham The Stage For Brave And Audacious Activist Art
by Stephi Wild - Jun 17, 2019
This July, Festival of Audacity makes Birmingham the stage for brave and audacious activist art. Driven by the belief that art should be brought to the people, the festival programme doesn't take place in exclusive venues, but in everyday spaces like National Express buses, New Street Station, and Rotunda Square, Bullring. Members of the public get the chance to experience for free, a multidisciplinary arts festival programme, which contains theatre, spoken word, installation art, dance, VR, film, music, interactive workshops and more.