THE ENIGMATIST Comes to Chicago Shakespeare Theater This Month
by Stephi Wild - May 9, 2024
Chicago Shakespeare Theater will present The Enigmatist, an immersive and captivating experience of illusions, puzzles, and cryptology, written and performed by renowned magician and The New York Timescrossword constructor David Kwong.
BWW Interview: Puzzle Master/Magician David Kwong Puzzlingly Mystifies INSIDE THE BOX
by Gil Kaan - Oct 16, 2020
Geffen Stayhouse's second full-length virtual production INSIDE THE BOX sold out its six-week run in minutes. Now extended through January 3, 2021, puzzle master and magician David Kwong will interact with his audience INSIDE THE Zoomed BOXes, weaving a tale of past puzzle-makers with puzzle-solving, wordplay and multi-layered games.
David Kwong's THE ENIGMATIST Returns to the High Line Hotel
by Stephi Wild - Sep 24, 2019
Producers Greg Berlanti and Robbie Rogers and Creative Producers Dylan Pager and Andy Jones announced today the return of David Kwong's The Enigmatist to The High Line Hotel (180 10th Ave, New York, NY 10011). After overwhelming demand and six months of sold-out performances earlier in 2019, magician and cruciverbalist David Kwong will bring his immersive evening of puzzles, cryptology and illusions back to New York City for a limited engagement, beginning November 1, 2019 that must end January 2020.
Tickets on Sale Now for THE ENIGMATIST at The High Line Hotel
by Julie Musbach - Nov 19, 2018
Get them before they disappear! Starting today, members of the public can purchase tickets for The Enigmatist at The High Line Hotel, opening on January 4, 2019. Featuring renowned magician and New York Times crossword constructor David Kwong, the much-anticipated show includes two nightly performances at 7 PM and 9:30 PM every Friday and Saturday during January 2019.