Daniel Ruffing is a Junior Arts Management & Entrepreneurship major at Baldwin Wallace University, and his music had millions of views. His songs "I Want To Be Tall" and "Aries and Virgo'' were featured on popular YouTuber Jenna Marbles' channel. More recently, his song "Rise and Shine" received 50,000 views on YouTube and 40,000 views on Twitter over the course of 24 hours, additionally earning him feature articles on sites like celebrityinsider, betches, and classicfm. Daniel’s work has been produced on stage twice in concert form at the esteemed Feinstein’s 54/Below in New York City, but this concert is the first one he has developed and produced from the ground up. Daniel was an Honorable Mention in the 34th Mid-Atlantic Song Contest, as well as a Semi-Finalist in the 2016 International Songwriting Competition. He has multiple musicals in development