Photo Flash: First Look at MACBETH at Portland Center Stage at The Armory
by Stephi Wild - Oct 2, 2019
This fall, local favorites Chantal DeGroat, Dana Green, and Lauren Bloom Hanover star in a piercing, stripped-down production of Macbeth, directed by Adriana Baer at Portland Center Stage at The Armory. With an edited script by Lee Sunday Evans and original music by Heather Christian, Shakespeare's infamous tale of political gluttony and supernatural vengeance finds refreshing new life in a taught, thrilling adaptation The New York Times called, “transcendent.” DeGroat, Green, and Hanover tackle all the roles, with captivating shape-note singing lending a haunting soundtrack to the rise and fall of Scotland's most notorious royal assassin.
Local Favorites Chantal Degroat, Dana Green, And Lauren Bloom Hanover Star In MACBETH
by A.A. Cristi - Aug 23, 2019
This fall, local favorites Chantal DeGroat, Dana Green, and Lauren Bloom Hanover star in a piercing, stripped-down production of Macbeth, directed by Adriana Baer at Portland Center Stage at The Armory. With an edited script by Lee Sunday Evans and original music by Heather Christian, Shakespeare's infamous tale of political gluttony and supernatural vengeance finds refreshing new life in a taught, thrilling adaptation The New York Times called, a?oetranscendent.a?? DeGroat, Green, and Hanover tackle all the roles, with captivating shape-note singing lending a haunting soundtrack to the rise and fall of Scotland's most notorious royal assassin.
Photo Flash: TINY BEAUTIFUL THINGS At The Armory
by A.A. Cristi - Feb 27, 2019
Portland Center Stage at The Armory brings the critically acclaimed adaptation of Cheryl Strayed's Tiny Beautiful Things to debut in the author's hometown. Adapted by Nia Vardalos (writer and star of My Big Fat Greek Wedding), co-created by Vardalos, Thomas Kail (director of Hamilton) and Marshall Heyman, and directed by Rose Riordan, Tiny Beautiful Things explores the time Cheryl Strayed spent as the anonymous advice columnist behind "Dear Sugar," and the honest, intimate connection she forged with her readers. Dana Green takes on the role of Sugar, joined by Leif Norby, Lisa Renee Pitts, and Brian Michael Smith who play the letter writers.
Photo Flash: First Look at The Armory's TINY BEAUTIFUL THINGS
by Julie Musbach - Feb 11, 2019
Portland Center Stage at The Armory brings the critically acclaimed adaptation of Cheryl Strayed's Tiny Beautiful Things to debut in the author's hometown. Adapted by Nia Vardalos (writer and star of My Big Fat Greek Wedding), co-created by Vardalos, Thomas Kail (director of Hamilton) and Marshall Heyman, and directed by Rose Riordan, Tiny Beautiful Things explores the time Cheryl Strayed spent as the anonymous advice columnist behind 'Dear Sugar,' and the honest, intimate connection she forged with her readers. Dana Green takes on the role of Sugar, joined by Leif Norby, Lisa Renee Pitts, and Brian Michael Smith who play the letter writers.
by A.A. Cristi - Jan 25, 2019
Portland Center Stage at The Armory brings the critically acclaimed adaptation of Cheryl Strayed's Tiny Beautiful Things to debut in the author's hometown. Adapted by Nia Vardalos (writer and star of My Big Fat Greek Wedding), co-created by Vardalos, Thomas Kail (director of Hamilton) and Marshall Heyman, and directed by Rose Riordan, Tiny Beautiful Things explores the time Cheryl Strayed spent as the anonymous advice columnist behind "Dear Sugar," and the honest, intimate connection she forged with her readers. Dana Green takes on the role of Sugar, joined by Leif Norby, Lisa Renee Pitts, and Brian Michael Smith who play the letter writers.
West Coast Premiere of Adam Bock's Black Comedy A Life to Open at The Armory, Following Successful Off-Broadway Run
by BWW
News Desk - Oct 5, 2018
Adam Bock's A Life, commissioned by Portland Center Stage at The Armory, will receive its West Coast debut at The Armory following the success of the play's world premiere in New York. A Life begins preview performances on September 29, opens on October 5, and runs through November 11 in the Ellyn Bye Studio. Associate Artistic Director Rose Riordan, who has frequently partnered with Bock, will direct. Nat DeWolf (Broadway: Take Me Out) will make his company debut as the astrology-loving and hopelessly single Nate Martin. DeWolf is joined by Cycerli Ash, also making her debut at The Armory, as well as returning artists Dana Green (Major Barbara and many others) and Gary Norman (Our Town).
Photo Flash: West Coast Premiere of Adam Bock's Black Comedy A LIFE to Open at The Armory
by A.A. Cristi - Oct 5, 2018
Adam Bock's A Life, commissioned by Portland Center Stage at The Armory, will receive its West Coast debut at The Armory following the success of the play's world premiere in New York. A Life begins preview performances on September 29, opens on October 5, and runs through November 11 in the Ellyn Bye Studio. Associate Artistic Director Rose Riordan, who has frequently partnered with Bock, will direct. Nat DeWolf (Broadway: Take Me Out) will make his company debut as the astrology-loving and hopelessly single Nate Martin. DeWolf is joined by Cycerli Ash, also making her debut at The Armory, as well as returning artists Dana Green (Major Barbara and many others) and Gary Norman (Our Town).
West Coast Premiere of Adam Bock's Black Comedy A Life to Open at The Armory, Following Successful Off-Broadway Run
by BWW
News Desk - Sep 29, 2018
Adam Bock's A Life, commissioned by Portland Center Stage at The Armory, will receive its West Coast debut at The Armory following the success of the play's world premiere in New York. A Life begins preview performances on September 29, opens on October 5, and runs through November 11 in the Ellyn Bye Studio. Associate Artistic Director Rose Riordan, who has frequently partnered with Bock, will direct. Nat DeWolf (Broadway: Take Me Out) will make his company debut as the astrology-loving and hopelessly single Nate Martin. DeWolf is joined by Cycerli Ash, also making her debut at The Armory, as well as returning artists Dana Green (Major Barbara and many others) and Gary Norman (Our Town).
West Coast Premiere of Adam Bock's Black Comedy A Life to Open at The Armory, Following Successful Off-Broadway Run
by A.A. Cristi - Sep 20, 2018
Adam Bock's A Life, commissioned by Portland Center Stage at The Armory, will receive its West Coast debut at The Armory following the success of the play's world premiere in New York. A Life begins preview performances on September 29, opens on October 5, and runs through November 11 in the Ellyn Bye Studio. Associate Artistic Director Rose Riordan, who has frequently partnered with Bock, will direct. Nat DeWolf (Broadway: Take Me Out) will make his company debut as the astrology-loving and hopelessly single Nate Martin. DeWolf is joined by Cycerli Ash, also making her debut at The Armory, as well as returning artists Dana Green (Major Barbara and many others) and Gary Norman (Our Town).
A LIFE To Open At The Armory This Fall
by Julie Musbach - Aug 29, 2018
Adam Bock's A Life, commissioned by Portland Center Stage at The Armory, will receive its West Coast debut at The Armory following the success of the play's world premiere in New York.