THE FRE, New Play From Taylor Mac, Will Seat Audience Members in a Giant Ball Pit
by Stephi Wild - Jan 3, 2020
Taylor Mac will premiere new play, The Fre, at off-Broadway venue The Flea. The Flea's Artistic Director and frequent Taylor Mac collaborator, Niegel Smith will direct. It has been revealed that the play takes place in a giant ball pit, with audience seating inside and out. The play is appropriate for a?oeall agesa??.
Sarah Hughes Helms New Cara Scarmack Play With Buran Theatre
by Stephi Wild - Sep 16, 2018
Buran Theatre's inaugural CartHorse Fellow Cara Scarmack will see her play some higher glimmer in the landscape of flat premiere as a culmination of the fellowship. Under the direction of Sarah Hughes, the immersive and genre-defying work-straddling theatre, dance and music-will see a three-week run at The Collapsable Hole in the West Village from October 20-November 3.