New Restoration of Godard's BAND OF OUTSIDERS to Screen at Film Forum
by TV News Desk - Apr 7, 2016
Jean-Luc Godard's BAND OF OUTSIDERS (1964), starring Anna Karina, Sami Frey, and Claude Brasseur,will be shown in a new restoration at Film Forum from Friday, May 6 through Thursday, May 12. Star Anna Karina will appear in person for an onstage interview and audience Q&A following the 7:30 show on Friday, May 6.
Theatre Princesse Grace Presents LA COLÈRE DU TIGRE, Feb. 3
by Christina Mancuso - Jan 26, 2016
Dans une petite maison au bord de l'Atlantique, deux hommes au soir de leur vie, passent quelques jours ensemble. Claude Monnet doit accepter l'idee de mettre fin a son oeuvre et face a lui, Georges Clemenceau, reproche a son ami de ne pas avoir tenu ses promesses.