Photo Flash: 'Shining' WIT Plays For One More Week At The Match
by Stephi Wild - Sep 8, 2019
Wit, by Margaret Edson, presented by actor Pamela Vogel, opens for eight performances in a limited run. It is one production in the inaugural year of the Houston Equity Festival, a collection of local professional actors, all members of the union Actors' Equity Association, each of whom is mounting her/his own show during the summer and fall of 2019. Ms. Vogel (Leap and the Net Will Appear / Catastrophic Theatre) plays Vivian Bearing, and Vance Johnson (Bootycandy / Catastrophic Theatre) and (Passing Strange / Standing Room Only Productions) directs.
"Shining" WIT Plays for One More Week at the Match
by Stephi Wild - Aug 31, 2019
Wit, by Margaret Edson, presented by actor Pamela Vogel, opens for eight performances in a limited run. It is one production in the inaugural year of the Houston Equity Festival, a collection of local professional actors, all members of the union Actors' Equity Association, each of whom is mounting her/his own show during the summer and fall of 2019. Ms. Vogel (Leap and the Net Will Appear / Catastrophic Theatre) plays Vivian Bearing, and Vance Johnson (Bootycandy / Catastrophic Theatre) and (Passing Strange / Standing Room Only Productions) directs.
WIT Celebrates Anniversary At The MATCH In Sept
by Julie Musbach - Jun 25, 2019
Wit, by Margaret Edson, presented by actor Pamela Vogel opens for eight performances in a limited run; a production in the inaugural year of the Houston Equity Festival a collection of local professional actors, all members of the union Actors' Equity Association, each of whom is mounting herhis own show during the summer and fall of 2019. Ms. Vogel (Leap and the Net Will Appear Catastrophic Theatre) plays Vivian Bearing, and Vance Johnson (Bootycandy Theatre) and (Passing Strange Standing Room Only Productions) directs.