Gettysburg Stage Presents A TUNA CHRISTMAS, 12/7-15
by Kelsey Denette - Nov 30, 2012
It's 24 hours before Christmas, and all hell is about to break loose in Tuna, the third smallest town in Texas - where the Lion's Club is too liberal and Patsy Cline never died! This year, in addition to the usual holiday headaches, a mysterious "phantom" has been vandalizing the Christmas displays in the town's annual yard-decorating contest, and a disaster prone production of "A Christmas Carol" is falling apart.
Charm City Call Board: November 20 - 26
by James Howard - Nov 20, 2007
NEW THIS WEEK! An EXCLUSIVE, FREE PREVIEW FOR BWW READERS! Best Bet at Spotlighters! Readers Write: Are Audiences Shrinking? New shows open at MET and Onstage! Discounts and much more!
Charm City Call Board: November 13 - 19
by James Howard - Nov 13, 2007
UPDATE! SPOTLIGHTERS JOB OPENINGS! New discounts! New contest announced! News of Laurel Mill Playhouse! Two Best Bets! Two audition notices! Contest winners review MY FAIR LADY!
Charm City Call Board November 6 - 12
by James Howard - Nov 6, 2007
Jam packed with new stuff this week! CSC goes to jail! New audition notice! TWO Best Bets! Plus news of Laurel Mill, McDaniel College, and Readers Write!