Review: Joe Fox Tells His Story In DON'T CRY FOR ME MY YESHIVA at Don't Tell Mama
by Analisa Bell - Aug 1, 2024
As it says on his promotional material, Joe Fox traveled to Maine in 2009 where he made a documentary on same sex marriage. While scenes from the documentary play during the performance, it is Fox’s story that is the feature of this fascinating show, which is less cabaret and more of a theatrical piece with songs.
GNO Alternative Stage Reveals Artistic Programme 2024/25
by Stephi Wild - Jul 31, 2024
The Greek National Opera Alternative Stage has announced its multi-faceted artistic programme for the season 2024/25, featuring numerous opera and music theatre productions, revivals of successful shows that captivated audiences and critics, a musical for the whole family, puppet theatre, concerts, as well as two unique festivals dedicated to baroque music and percussion instruments.
1776 Hits The Marriot Theatre Stage This Election Season
by A.A. Cristi - Jul 31, 2024
Experience the Tony Award-winning musical 1776 at the Marriott Theatre this election season. Follow the compelling story of America's founding fathers as they debate and sign the Declaration of Independence.
54 Below to Present 54 SINGS BO BURNHAM VOL. 2 Next Month
by Blair Ingenthron - Jul 27, 2024
54 BELOW, Broadway's Supper Club, will present 54 Sings Bo Burnham Vol. 2 on August 29, 2024 at 9:30 PM. This exciting evening will feature a dynamic cast performing the songs of Bo Burnham, bringing his witty, satirical, and poignant music to life on the 54 Below stage.
Previews: SPONGEBOB THE MUSICAL at Carrollwood Cultural Center
by Deborah Bostock-Kelley - Jul 20, 2024
'We held auditions at the Center, and I was so nervous we wouldn't get anyone to come out. We had an amazing turnout! Between the open auditions and video submissions, we had 150 people try out. Casting just came to us. And this cast is solid and perfect for their roles,' said director Andi Garner.
La Compañía Nacional De Teatro Ofrecerá Presentación Especial De La Obra El AntiPalomas
by A.A. Cristi - Jul 15, 2024
La Compañía Nacional de Teatro (CNT), del Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes y Literatura (Inbal), ofrecerá el sábado 20 de julio, a las 12:00 h, una presentación especial gratuita de su obra El AntiPalomas, una historia multifamiliar de Enrique Olmos de Ita, bajo la dirección de Daniela Arroio, la cual se encuentra en proceso de construcción.
BWW TV: Puedes ver aquí 'L'Himne dels pirates' de LA GRAN NIT DE DAGOLL DAGOM
by Jose German Martinez Paneque - Jul 15, 2024
El pasado fin de semana tuvieron lugar en El Grec Festival los tres conciertos conmemorativos LA GRAN NIT DE DAGOLL DAGOM, en la que miembros de todas los repartos que han pasado por la compañía a lo largo de su medio siglo de historia interpretaron algunos de los temas más significativos de todos sus espectáculos.
LA GRAN NIT DE DAGOLL DAGOM tendrá lugar este fin de semana
by Jose German Martinez Paneque - Jul 8, 2024
El próximo jueves 11 de julio tendrá lugar el primero de 3 conciertos de LA GRAN NIT DE DAGOLL DAGOM, en la que 27 artistas, 40 músicos y 20 cantantes harán un repaso de los 50 años de historia de la compañía.