BWW Blog: Rebecca Donaldson - Confessions of a High School Theater Addict Part 2
by Christina Mancuso - Apr 6, 2016
One of the greatest parts of being undeniably dedicated and addicted to musical theater is that you are constantly surrounded by a plethora of individuals who share the same passion; especially in high school. High school is abnormally the "best and/or worst time of your life" in just a mere four years. It is a one of the most formative times in an individual's life, when one truly begins to become the sort of individual that will carry them well into adulthood. This is why the performing arts are vital in my personal high school career. If I am unhappy with my own life, through theatre, I am afforded the ability to step into another character's shoes and "become them" practically every day. Because I am so active in theater, my entire friend-base consists of other thespians that I have performed with in the past. These bonds and talents exist, not only in the local community theatre troupes, but in my own high school's theater program as well. I believe the incredible ability to work together on stage in spite of personality conflicts, extreme exhaustion at times, vast differences in age, and the daily "drama" of a typical high school student's life is one of the factors that makes the Hilton Head Christian Academy's drama department so successful and why it has been a major component in shaping so many spectacular young adults.