Photo Flash: BANDSTAND is 'Quillon It' and More Saturday Intermission Pics!
by BWW News Desk - Aug 27, 2017
Today is Saturday, and that means it's time for what has become one of the theatre community's most beloved traditions- BroadwayWorld's 'Saturday Intermission Pics' roundup! This week BANDSTAND is 'Quillon It' and SWEENEY TODD is saying 'Happy trails' to a few cast members! Check out more Saturday Intermission Pics below!
BWW Review: NEWSIES Grabs Headlines at MSMT
by Carla Maria Verdino-Süllwold - Aug 11, 2017
In a season that continues to top itself, one show after the other, Maine State Music Theatre's fourth and final main stage production of Disney's Newsies is an epic accomplishment for the company and one that firmly establishes it as one of the finest regional theatres in the country. As one of only three companies to get the regional rights to this mega Broadway hit, MSMT has mounted a thrilling, large scale production that is an electrifying, heart wrenching, and profoundly uplifting theatrical experience that will leave you in what Artistic Director Curt Dale Clark has called a state of “ecstatic exhaustion.”