Dinner, Drama, and The Dead: The Return of an Irish Masterpiece
The Dead, 1904 is an immersive, theatrical adaptation of James Joyce’s novella “The Dead,” originally published in his Dubliners collection. Acclaimed literary couple Paul Muldoon and Jean Hanff Korelitz have brought this work to life with Irish Repertory Theatre for the fourth time this winter at the American Irish Historical Society.
R.B. Schlather & Hudson Hall Announce RODELINDA, October 20-29
Hudson Hall at the historic Hudson Opera House announces RODELINDA as the first in an ambitious multi-year series of operas by G.F. Handel with the daring, internationally acclaimed director (and Hudson resident) R.B. Schlather. Six performances take place October 20, 24, 26, 28 at 7pm and October 22 and 29 at 3pm.
East Lynne Theater Company Presents CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FROM THE PAST
For eight times only, the award-winning Equity professional East Lynne Theater Company presents 'Christmas Presents from the Past.' Aside from O. Henry's 'The Gift of the Magi,' in which a loving couple exchange unique gifts, the other tales are 'The Christmas Masquerade,' 'The Snow Image,' and 'What the Bells Saw and Said.'
East Lynne Theater Company Announces 2020 Season
The award-winning Equity professional East Lynne Theater Company turns 40 in 2020, and is proud to announce its 2020 Mainstage Season. As usual, it includes classic gems, a New Jersey premiere, and a radio-style show. This year's theme is 'Challenging Change.'
East Lynne Theater Co. Presents THE GREAT TREE In Time For Christmas
'Here in Friendship Village, we give out time and time again that Christmas isn't going to be just shopping and just an exchange of useless gifts,' begins Calliope Marsh in Zona Gale's story 'Human,' about an unusual event at the post office, two nights before Christmas in 1910.
Palm Beach Dramaworks Presents The Lubben Brothers In Concert
The Lubben Brothers, whose dazzling musicianship delighted Palm Beach Dramaworks audiences in Woody Guthrie's American Song and The Spitfire Grill, take center stage at the Don & Ann Brown Theatre from June 21-23 as part of the Sounds of Summer concert series.
Write Out Loud Explores The American West
Write Out Loud - an organization founded in 2007 with a commitment to inspire, challenge and entertain by reading literature aloud for a live audience presents The American West, the final production in their American Season XI, a season that focuses on American stories by American authors. Write Out Loud Story Concerts bring literature to life - aloud - with rehearsed readings by professional actors. Each program explores specific themes by weaving a variety of stories and poems together into a literary tapestry. The American West features San Diego performers Fran Gercke, Jessica John Gercke, Susan Clausen, Veronica Murphy and Walter Ritter. A complimentary pre-show reception starts at 6:15pm with a 7:00pm curtain.
Radical Face Releases SunnMoonnEclippse EP
The SunnMoonnEclippse EP is the first release that's not part of Ben Cooper's highly acclaimed three-album conceptual saga, The Family Tree: The Roots (2011), The Branches (2013), and The Leaves (2016).
New Mark Twain Film Celebrates Jumping Frog Anniversary
Twainiacs everywhere are praising This 'n That Films' '88 Days in the Mother Lode,' the new documentary that chronicles the disparate events that coincided to lead 29-year-old Sam Clemens to Angels Camp, California, where he first heard the story about the frog.
East Lynne Theatre Company to Present CHRISTMAS IN WISCONSIN
"I wish't I knew someone to have a Christmas tree with," says Calliope Marsh to Mrs. Sykes in the small town of Friendship Village. At first, even Calliope doesn't know what she means by what she just said, but then her ideas take shape in the form of how to get the big tree in the center of town lit with electric lights for Christmas Eve.
East Lynne Works to Support Food Closet and Auxiliary
As usual this time of year, the award-winning Equity professional East Lynne Theater Company is accepting nonperishable items for the Cape May Food Closet. What is needed are cans of fruit, paper towels, and toilet paper. Any canned food items will be graciously accepted, as long as they have current and future expiration dates.
For eight performances only, both Western Christmas tales come to life when the award-winning Equity professional East Lynne Theater Company presents 'Christmas with Harte and O. Henry.' The dates are Friday and Saturday, Nov. 29 and 30; Sunday, Dec. 8; Thursday through Saturday, Dec. 12, 13 and 14 at 8:00p.m., with special Saturday matinees at 2:00p.m. on Nov. 30 and Dec. 14.
East Lynne Theater Company's 2013 Season Begins in June
The award-winning Equity professional East Lynne Theater Company has exciting shows lined up for its thirty-third season. It includes the usual world premiere ('The Legend of Sleepy Hollow'), a New Jersey premiere ('Lost on the Natchez Trace'), a comedy by a Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright ('The Late Christopher Bean'), an American detective joins Holmes in our popular radio-style productions ('Holmes and Carter Mysteries') and our enchanting storytelling holiday show ('Christmas with Harte and O. Henry.') Special events include our standing-room-only Student Workshop Production and A Sunday Film Series that includes incredible silent features with live organ accompaniment. Our performance venue is the historic First Presbyterian Church of Cape May, located at the corner of Decatur and Hughes, between the beach and the Washington Street Mall.