Different Stages Presents YANKEE TAVERN By Steven Dietz
by Stephi Wild - Feb 26, 2018
Different Stages continues its 2017 - 2018 season with Steven Dietz's Yankee Tavern. Just when you thought you'd heard every crazy 9/11 conspiracy theory, a guy walks into a bar and orders two beers, one for himself and one for his absent buddy. Yes, it sounds like the set-up for a joke, but with his chilling play, the prolific Steven Dietz has something darker and more sobering in mind. There, inside the walls of this crumbling New York tavern, a young couple find themselves caught up in what might be the biggest conspiracy of all.
BWW Review: THE WIZARD OF OZ Familiar Fun For The Whole Family
by Frank Benge - Aug 3, 2017
Who doesn't know THE WIZARD OF OZ? And even if by some strange coincidence the multiple books of L. Frank Baum have managed to escape you, the classic MGM film (on which this production is based) has been a television staple and family viewing tradition for decades.
Tampa Bay's Theaters Announce Nominees for Jeff Norton Theater Awards
by BWW News Desk - Aug 22, 2011
Tampa Bay's professional theaters announce the first annual Jeff Norton Theater Awards to be held Monday, August 22 at The Palladium Theater at St. Petersburg College, 253 Fifth Ave. N, St. Petersburg, FL. The event starts at 7pm with after-party to follow.
Tampa Bay's Theaters Announce Nominees for Jeff Norton Theater Awards
by Gabrielle Sierra - Aug 17, 2011
Tampa Bay's professional theaters announce the first annual Jeff Norton Theater Awards to be held Monday, August 22 at The Palladium Theater at St. Petersburg College, 253 Fifth Ave. N, St. Petersburg, FL. The event starts at 7pm with after-party to follow.
American Stage Hosts Meet And Greet For MA RAINEY'S BLACK BOTTOM
by Gabrielle Sierra - Jan 20, 2011
Savannah's Cafe and American Stage Theatre Company are hosting a meet and greet with members of the cast and artistic staff for American Stage's hit production of August Wilson's great drama, MA RAINEY'S BLACK BOTTOM on January 21 at 11:30 am at Savannah's Cafe in St. Petersburg.