Gary Schteyngart and Elissa LeCoque Featured On Podcast SongWriter
by Tori Hartshorn - Jun 25, 2019
SongWriter is a new podcast that explores the connections between written word and lyrical and how all art responds to other art. Hosted by songwriter and novelist, Ben Arthur, the second episode features Gary Shteyngart and Elissa LeCoque, and was also featured on this week's Acoustic Cafe broadcast. Gary Shteyngart is the bestselling author of Absurdistan and Super Sad True Love Story. Elissa LeCoque is a member of the Brooklyn synth band Kodacrome. At a live performance at Barnes and Noble in Union Square, Gary reads a chapter from his recent novel Lake Success about the breakdown of hedge fund manager Barry Cohen. Elissa's song is “Weak Wrists,” and is a studio recording. In other news, the paperback of Lake Success is published in June, and the book has just been optioned for a series on HBO starring Jake Gyllenhaal.
Photo Flash: Broadway Walk of Stars
by Gabrielle Sierra - Jun 23, 2010
It was a starry night on Broadway, as theater legends and American icons came out to support the launch of the Broadway Walk of Stars project. Arlene Dahl, creator of the project, had dreamt for years of lining New York's most famous thoroughfare with stars.