Glee-Cap: I Do.
Wedding bells are ringing this week, and just in time for Valentine's Day! I know, it sickens those of us single people on Valentine's Day, but love is in the air tonight, Gleeks!
Finn tells Rachel about kissing Emma and despite what he hopes to be a good conversation turns into a awkwardness when he can't seem to get over her new relationship with Brody. Emma is fraying at the ends as Finn tries to confront her, but she's not having it because she has pressing matters to deal with involving the wedding to deal with the situation at hand. Will returns and informs the Glee club he wants them to perform at his wedding, and in place of a best man speech, Will wants Finn to sing - freaking him out even more. What does Finn Hudson do when he freaks out? Turns to Rachel Berry? You bet! With Rachel's help, the best man song is now a duet between the two, and is that sparks I see flying?
Marley gives Jake a gift for Valentine's Day, but Jake is not even remotely ready for Valentine's Day. With help from Ryder, Jake presents Marley with 'All I Need to Get By' by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell. Emma pairs Artie up with her handicap able niece named Betty, which Artie seems pleased about.