Theater Resources Unlimited Presents Writer-Director Communications Lab 2019
by A.A. Cristi - Mar 20, 2019
Theater Resources Unlimited (TRU) presents a Writer-Director Communications Lab on Saturday, April 13, 2019 from 10:00am - 6:00pm at Shetler Studios, 244 W. 54 Street PH1, New York, NY 10019. This Lab focuses on facilitating communication between writers and directors to ensure that collaborations run as smoothly as possible. For writers and directors, there is a $75 fee for TRU members and an $85 fee for non-members. Observers are also welcome to come watch and learn. Please reserve using the bright red reservation box at or e-mail
T. Schreiber Theatre Presents 4th Annual Schreiber Shorts 10-Minute Play Festival
by BWW
News Desk - Feb 11, 2017
T. Schreiber Theatre (TST) proudly presents 'The Fourth Annual Schreiber Shorts: An Evening of One Acts' January 25th and runs through February 11th. The 10-minute play series will feature works by 10 playwrights, selected from nearly 1000 submissions in a nationwide playwriting competition. Curated and produced by Halle Morse and Megan Grace, 'The Schreiber Shorts' marks the second production of TST' 2016-17 season. Performances are Wednesdays-Sundays at 8:00pm at the Gloria Maddox Theatre (151 West 26th Street, 7th Floor). Tickets are $15:
T. Schreiber Theatre Presents 4th Annual Schreiber Shorts 10-Minute Play Festival
by A.A. Cristi - Jan 17, 2017
T. Schreiber Theatre (TST) proudly presents 'The Fourth Annual Schreiber Shorts: An Evening of One Acts' January 25th and runs through February 11th. The 10-minute play series will feature works by 10 playwrights, selected from nearly 1000 submissions in a nationwide playwriting competition. Curated and produced by Halle Morse and Megan Grace, 'The Schreiber Shorts' marks the second production of TST' 2016-17 season. Performances are Wednesdays-Sundays at 8:00pm at the Gloria Maddox Theatre (151 West 26th Street, 7th Floor). Tickets are $15: