The Ensemble Theatre Celebrated A Night To 'Elevate The Arts'
by Stephi Wild - Aug 24, 2018
The Ensemble Theatre celebrated its 2018 Celebrity Black Tie Gala - Elevating the Arts! at the Hilton Americas-Houston, Saturday, August 18, 2018. Lead sponsors: H-E-B; Shell, BP America, Inc, United, Bracewell LLP, Frost Bank, Andrea and Jarvis Hollingsworth, Wendy and Vince Armstrong, were joined by a host of devoted corporations and individuals who continue to invest in the advancement of the theatre's mission to enlighten, entertain, and enrich diverse audiences. The Gala serves as the theatre's major fundraiser supporting its annual $2 million operating budget that includes six mainstage season productions, and its educational initiatives directed toward youth. The theatre's board of directors and staff welcomed more than 400 esteemed donors and supporters.
ANMT's 15 Minute Musical Series Set for Tonight
by BWW News Desk - Jun 24, 2013
Once a year, every June, like clockwork, you can hear composers weeping in North Hollywood, and threatening to call attorneys, and then kissing and making up and saying they've just had the most wonderful experience of their lives. Yes, it's time for the annual 15-Minute Musical project at the Academy for New Musical Theatre: tonight and tomorrow, June 24th and 25th at the Met Theatre in Hollywood. For the final project of Academy's famous writers' workshop, composers and lyricists and bookwriters are put together on writing teams and are given eight short weeks to write, revise and polish a brand-new musical written for five actors whom they've never met before.
ANMT's 15 Minute Musical Series Set for 6/24-25
by Tyler Peterson - Jun 19, 2013
Once a year, every June, like clockwork, you can hear composers weeping in North Hollywood, and threatening to call attorneys, and then kissing and making up and saying they've just had the most wonderful experience of their lives. Yes, it's time for the annual 15-Minute Musical project at the Academy for New Musical Theatre: June 24th and 25th at the Met Theatre in Hollywood. For the final project of Academy's famous writers' workshop, composers and lyricists and bookwriters are put together on writing teams and are given eight short weeks to write, revise and polish a brand-new musical written for five actors whom they've never met before.
BWW Reviews: The Challenge Is Still There In The Color Purple at Toby's
by Jack L. B. Gohn - Sep 17, 2012
On the evidence of the book, and as echoed in the show, Alice Walker finds permanence and monogamy rarer than more fluid arrangements. I mentioned forgiveness, and it plays large here; the characters find, in various ways, that they must accept that their loved ones love them back only with divided hearts.
Bernhard, Choi to Speak At Union Square Rally In Support Of Homeless LGBT Youth 6/14
by BWW
News Desk - Jun 14, 2010
On Monday, June 14th at 6:30PM, numerous prominent LGBT and progressive leaders and organizations will come together at a highly anticipated rally at Union Square in support of the LGBT Homeless Youth community. Comedian, singer, actress, and author Sandra Bernhard will speak along with Iraq Combat Veteran and gay rights activist Dan Choi, as well as youth representatives from various organizations serving young LGBT people.
Bernhard, Choi to Speak At Union Square Rally In Support Of Homeless LGBT Youth 6/14
by Gabrielle Sierra - Jun 10, 2010
On Monday, June 14th at 6:30PM, numerous prominent LGBT and progressive leaders and organizations will come together at a highly anticipated rally at Union Square in support of the LGBT Homeless Youth community. Comedian, singer, actress, and author Sandra Bernhard will speak along with Iraq Combat Veteran and gay rights activist Dan Choi, as well as youth representatives from various organizations serving young LGBT people.
Broadway Originals: All Over Again
by Michael Dale - Oct 30, 2006
This year's edition of Broadway Originals stretched over fifty seasons of Broadway history, from Helen Gallagher to Lari White