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Andrew Braunsberg

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[Broadway, 2004]
[Broadway, 2002]
[Vienna, 1997]


Krolock Kevin Tarte Wird Seine Rolle Im Musical DANCE OF THE VAMPIRES
by Team BWW - Feb 8, 2023

Seit einem Vierteljahrhundert tanzen die Vampire über die Musicalbühnen – das bedeutet 25 Jahre begeisterte Fans, schaurig-schöne Kulissen, rockige Musik, berühmte Balladen und absolute Kultstars in den Hauptrollen! Im Oktober 2022 zelebrierte TANZ DER VAMPIRE im Stuttgarter Stage Palladium Theater das große Jubiläum, aber die Party ist noch lange nicht vorbei: Dieses Frühjahr kehrt einer der am meisten gefeierten Darsteller zurück, den die Vampirshow je gesehen hat: Superstar Kevin Tarte lockt im Mai und Juni erneut als bissiger Graf von Krolock in sein Schloss!
Cinedigm Announces iTunes Release of Roman Polanski: A Film Memoir
by Caryn Robbins - Dec 12, 2013

iReach/ Cinedigm is proud to announce the U.S. release of Roman Polanski: A Film Memoir, a documentary starring Roman Polanski, and directed by Laurent Bouzereau. The film has received a number of positive reviews from its international releases.
Disney Studios Puts Mamet 'Anne Frank' Bio Reimagining In Turnaround
by Eddie Varley - Sep 25, 2009

Disney Studios, which acquired the motion picture rights to a new rendition of 'The Diary of Anne Frank,' to be written and directed by David Mamet, has put the project in turnaround after rejecting the proposed Mamet take on the material reports
David Mamet To Tackle Big Screen 'Anne Frank' Bio Reimagining
by Eddie Varley - Aug 12, 2009

Variety reports that Disney Studios has acquired the motion picture rights to a new rendition of 'The Diary of Anne Frank,' to be written and directed by David Mamet. Mamet will also serve as producer with Andrew Braunsberg.

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