BWW Reviews: INHERIT THE WIND Transforms Wichita Community Theatre
by Alison Bridget Chambers - Jan 24, 2014
Inherit the Wind opened last night at Wichita Community Theatre. Through the use of inventive staging, clear and specific story telling and honest performances, director Mark T. Mannette made this classic script feel fresh and relevant.
BWW Interviews: Wichita Community Theatre's INHERIT THE WIND Brings Controversy
by Alison Bridget Chambers - Jan 17, 2014
Wichita Community Theatre is hard at work preparing for their upcoming production of Inherit the Wind by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee. Directed by Mark Mannette and Apprentice Directed by Steve Miotto, Inherit the Wind promises to be a challenging and exciting theatrical experience.
Through the Years
by Robert Diamond - Nov 24, 2010
Have you wondered what Roundabout's logo looked like in the late 1980s? Or how much season tickets cost? Or what our print ads looked like twenty years ago? Over the next few weeks From the Archives will answer these questions. We will showcase promotional materials from our collection - subscriber letters, brochures, promotional posters and ads, and photographs.