by David Fick - Sep 30, 2017
Lefra's farces are an annual institution, and in 2017, fans can look forward to MY MAN SE SKELMPIE SE SKELMPIE SE VROU. Take a look at this hilarious comedy, under the direction of South Africa's farce king, Frans Swart, will play the old Potchefstroom City Hall as a part of this year's Aardklop Arts Festival.
Last Time Down the Aisle for DAA' GAAT DIE BRUID! at Atterbury Theatre
by David Fick - Jan 23, 2017
Farce king Frans Swart's Afrikaans translation of Ray Cooney and John Chapman's runaway hit, DAA' GAAT DIE BRUID! is on stage for the last time at the Atterbury Theatre in Pretoria this January. The original English version, THERE GOES THE BRIDE, is one of Cooney and Chapman's most successful West End farces.
Lefra Produksies to Visit Kimberley's Gariep Arts Festival with Two Top Productions!
by Ashlee Latimer - Aug 28, 2016
Lefra Produksies bring twee top produksies na die Gariep Kunstefees op Kimberley op 2 en 3 September vanjaar! Kom skaterlag vir Lefra Produksies se skreeusnaakse klug Daa' Gaat die Bruid! op Saterdag, 3 September om 11:00, 15:00 en 18:00. Hennie Smit en Arina de Witt vermaak in As Drome Vlerke Kry op Vrydag, 2 September om 16:00. Beide produksies speel in die Newtonteater op die gronde van die Newton Primere Skool op die hoek van Halkettweg en Conradstraat. Besprekings kan gedoen word deur Computicket te skakel by 0861 915 8000 of bespreek aanlyn Besoek gerus ook vir meer inligting. Al die produksies word aangebied met die trotse ondersteuning van Christo Strydom Nutrition, Stuttaford van Lines, RSG, Sounds Good en McCarthy Volkswagen Arcadia.
Lefra Productions Brings DAA' GAAT DIE BRUID! to CARNIVAL CITY in June
by David Fick - May 31, 2016
Lefra Productions's Afrikaans adaptation of Ray Cooney and John Chapman's acclaimed West End farce, THERE GOES THE BRIDE, will be staged at Carnival City's Mardi Gras Theatre this July. Translated and adapted by Frans Swart with a delightfully local flavour, DAA' GAAT DIE BRUID! promises to be a side-splittingly funny show.
Sold Out DAA' GAAT DIE BRUID! at KKNK Adds Extra Performance on 28 March
by Louisa Brady - Mar 27, 2016
Lefra Productions is already known for their laugh-out-loud farces that have been entertaining audiences nationwide since 2012. This year, it is the turn of farce king Frans Swart's Afrikaans translation of Ray Cooney and John Chapman's runaway hit, DAA' GAAT DIE BRUID! to visit the KKNK in Oudtshoorn, where it is enjoying a sold-out run through 30 March. An extra performance has been scheduled for 28 March to accommodate the demand for tickets for this production.
Lefra Produksies Opens Brand New Farce DAA' GAAT DIE BRUID! at KKNK
by Louisa Brady - Mar 20, 2016
Lefra Productions is already well-known for its productions of hilarious farces, which have been entertaining audiences in South Africa since 2012. This year, Frans Swart's Afrikaans translation of Ray Cooney en John Chapman's runaway hit DAA' GAAT DIE BRUID! will tour the country, with a run all set to take place at the KKNK in Oudtshoorn.
by Sally Henry Fuller - Oct 4, 2015
By now, Lefra Productions is well-known for its hilarious farces. This year's new farce is MY BOETIE SE BOETIE SE BOETIE SE BABA by Ray Cooney and his son, Michael. It is one of the most successful shows yet on London's West End.
Come and Meet MY BOETIE SE SUSSIE SE OU at the Atterbury Theatre
by David Fick - Jan 26, 2015
If you think your life is complicated, put yourself in John Smith's shoes for a moment. John, the taxi driver from MY VROU SE MAN SE VROU has two wives - and now, two families! In MY BOETIE SE SUSSIE SE OU, it is 18 years later and John still keeps his two families in different parts of London.
LIEWE HEKSIE Celebrates Mandela Day
by Tyler Peterson - Jul 25, 2014
Lefra Productions, in association with East Rand Stereo and Life Springs Parkland Clinic, celebrated Mandela Day by inviting Verna Vels's beloved Liewe Heksie into the 'real world'.
by BWW News Desk - May 20, 2014
Groot was die verrassing Saterdag vir Liza-Mari Beukes van Kempton Park toe haar vriend, Adriaan Janse van Rensburg, ook van Kempton Park haar gevra het om verloof te raak op die stel van MY BOETIE SE SUSSIE SE OU wat tans by Emperors Palace se Theatre of Marcellus speel.
Photo Flash: MY BOETIE SE SUSSIE SE OU, Emperor's Palace, New Theatre of Marcellus, 13 Mei - 1 Junie
by BWW News Desk - May 13, 2014
As jy dink jou lewe is ingewikkeld, plaas jouself vir 'n oomblik in John Smith se skoene, daardie taxi-bestuurder van My Vrou se Man se Vroumet twee vrouens, en nou ook twee gesinne! Dis reg, in My Boetie se Sussie se Ou is dit agtien jaar later en hou John steeds twee families in verskillende dele van Londen aan, beide dolgelukkig en salig onbewus van mekaar. Maar wanneer sy twee tieners, 'n dogter van die een gesin en 'n seun van die ander, mekaar op 'n internetkletskamer raak gesels en angstig besluit om mekaar in die persoon te ontmoet, versnel John se reeds gejaagde lewe tot in die hoogste rat, en moet hy spook om hulle uitmekaar te hou.