Review: WAITRESS at The 5th Avenue Theatre
by Jay Irwin - Mar 15, 2025
Dear Readers, when the rights for local theaters to produce hit shows become available, or start to become available, you know every theater will be vying to be the first. One such show currently in this situation is Sara Bareilles and Jessie Nelson’s huge hit “Waitress”. And once those rights are out there, we get to see what the local houses can do. Are they up to the task or will it just be a pale imitation of the Broadway and touring runs? The 5th Avenue Theatre has stepped up to be the first in this case and I’m thrilled to say, with a top notch cast and some able direction this first in the area production of “Waitress” is smacked clean out of the park.
Video: First Look at WAITRESS at TUTS Houston & 5th Avenue Theatre
by Joshua Wright - Mar 13, 2025
Watch Kerstin Anderson sing 'She Used To Be Mine' in rehearsals for Waitress - a co-production between 5th Avenue Theatre and TUTS Houston. Waitress is slated to run at the Seattle theatre from March 11-30, 2025. The production then plays Houston April 6-27, 2025.
Video: First Promo For WAITRESS at The 5th Avenue Theatre
by Michael Major - Mar 7, 2025
Watch a new promo video for Waitress at the 5th Avenue Theatre. ara Bareilles's pop-rock musical is filled with scrumptious pie--so much pie--and is one of the most famous musicals from the past decade.
Video: In Rehearsal for WAITRESS At 5th Avenue Theater
by A.A. Cristi - Mar 7, 2025
Bring your appetite because The 5th Avenue Theatre has pie on the menu. Waitress, the hit Broadway musical, is onstage from March 11-30, 2025. Check out video from inside rehearsal below.
Review: SOMETHING'S AFOOT at The 5th Avenue Theatre
by Jay Irwin - Mar 9, 2024
Curating a season is not an easy thing, especially for a large, professional theater. You want to strike that delicate balance of diversity, entertainment, cutting edge, and most of all audience appeal. But when the 5th Avenue Theater announced they were doing “Something’s Afoot”, an old show often done by community theaters, I was perplexed. But maybe it’s good, I mean, I’ve never seen it. Sadly, it’s not.
Review: FELLOW PASSENGERS from Strawberry Theatre Workshop
by Jay Irwin - Dec 4, 2023
It’s the holiday season, Dear Readers, and you know what that means. Myriad productions of “A Christmas Carol” in the area. Just to name a few, there’s the old, trusty standby production out at ACT. And last week I saw an amazing one man “Christmas Carol” performed by the incredible Allen Fitzpatrick. But today we’re going to talk about “Fellow Passengers” from Strawberry Theatre Workshop currently performing at 12th Avenue Arts. Yes, it’s “A Christmas Carol”, but this adaptation by Greg Carter is so much more, and absolutely blew me away.
Review: HELLO, DOLLY! at Village Theatre
by Jay Irwin - May 28, 2023
In the musical theater world, there are classics and then there are Classics (with the big “C”). Jerry Herman’s “Hello, Dolly!” is certainly a big “C” Classic and I’m here to fight anyone who says different. It’s a delicious throwback to the Golden Age of musicals and certainly a star vehicle for the right star. And speaking of the right star, the current production of “Dolly”, currently playing at Village Theatre, shows just how good this Classic can be with the incredible Bobbi Kotula in the title role who proves that she’s not a star, but a Star!
by Deborah Bostock-Kelley - Mar 9, 2020
Opening on March 13 and running through April 5 at American Stage, the world premiere of The People Downstairs tells the story of Mabel, a lonely, middle-aged shut-in, a visually-impaired woman who lives with her funeral home custodian father, Miles in Buffalo, NY. When a court-appointed guardian threatens to put them in a nursing home, Miles sets out to find true love for his daughter.