DQT Theater Announces THE BARPLAY QUINTET, 1/17-25
by Kelsey Denette - Dec 21, 2012
The DQT Theater (the Dramatic Question Theater), the multicultural, multigenerational theater company, kicks off its fourth season with a series of special engagement productions for the 2013. This January DQT member Allen Davis will premiere his new production, The Barplay Quintet.
Garcia & Moresco Talk About Firehouse
by Don Grigware - Feb 1, 2011
Playwright Pedro Antonio Garcia will bring his fascinating Firehouse, based on a real-life incident, in a World premiere, to the Whitefire Theatre, with artistic director Bryan Rasmussen as director, opening Friday, February 4. The piece will play Fridays only at 8 pm. In our conversation Garcia talks about his roots, how the play developped and its prospects for the Los Angeles audience.