Applications Now Being Accepted For Corrieri Literary Prize At Two NYC Drama Schools
by Stephi Wild - Oct 4, 2019
Applications are being accepted from October 1, 2019 until February 29, 2020 for the Corrieri Literary Prize, a scholarship fund to be awarded to actors, playwrights and screenwriters at two institutions: Manhattan's Barrow Group Theater Company and School and Brooklyn's Terry Knickerbocker Studio. The grants, valued at $1,500 each, will help fund writing classes to be selected at the student's discretion at both schools.
Claudia Corrieri Literary Prize Will Fund Writers' Scholarships At Two NYC Drama Schools In 2020
by A.A. Cristi - Aug 22, 2019
In 2020, for the second year, the Claudia Corrieri Literary Prize, a scholarship fund, will be awarded to actors, playwrights and screenwriters at two institutions: Manhattan's Barrow Group Theater Company and School and Brooklyn's Terry Knickerbocker Studio. The grants, valued at $1,500 each, will help fund writing classes to be selected at the student's discretion at both schools.
Photo Flash: Opening Night of WALLENBERG at WPPAC
by BWW Photo Special - Nov 1, 2010
Wallenberg, a new musical drama starring Scott Mikita (Broadway's The Phantom of the Opera) opened this past Saturday night, October 30, at the White Plains Performing Arts Center. The opening night celebration was held at Blue in White Plains. Wallenberg, which launches WPPAC's 5-show mainstage season, will run through November 21, 2010.
Photo Flash: Wallenberg Opens at WPPAC
by BWW Photo Special - Oct 28, 2010
Performances of Wallenberg, a new musical drama starring Scott Mikita (Phantom of the Opera) begin tonight at the White Plains Performing Arts Center. Wallenberg, which launches WPPAC's 5-show mainstage season, will run through November 21, 2010.
New Location For Shanley's 'Veronica' At Powerhouse Announced
by BWW News Desk - Aug 3, 2008
The location for the reading of Veronica written and directed by John Patrick Shanley will now be in the Martel Theater, in the Vogelstein Center for Drama and Film, at 5:00 pm on Sunday, August 3. The reading is free to the public, however reservations are strongly recommended.
New Location For Shanley's 'Veronica' At Powerhouse Announced
by Faetra Petillo - Jul 28, 2008
The location for the reading of Veronica written and directed by John Patrick Shanley will now be in the Martel Theater, in the Vogelstein Center for Drama and Film, at 5:00 pm on Sunday, August 3. The reading is free to the public, however reservations are strongly recommended.
Warren, Burns, Dvorsky, Etc. Set for Wallenberg at NYMF
by BWW News Desk - Aug 14, 2006
Thom Christopher Warren, Andrea Burns, George Dvorsky will headline the cast of Wallenberg, a new musical about one of the greatest heroes of the 20th century, that will be seen as part of the New York Musical Theatre Festival's Developmental Reading series on September 17th and September 20th at New World Stages