Alex Kopnick is a director, producer, VFX editor, SAFD Certified Intermediate Actor-Combatant, and a whole lot of other stuff too! Prior credits include:
Trap Game by Andy Donnelly (Director), Cymbeline @ NYU MSNR Studio (Assistant Director to Maia Karo), Loneliness was a Pandemic by Olivia Haller (Director), BEFORE by Neil Redfield (Producer), Formido by Daniel Duren at 24 Hour Plays: Nationals (Producer), Amici Novum (Creator), Who Will be For Me? (Creator), Theater 2020’s Sunday in the Park with George by Stephen Sondheim (Projection Designer).
Alex is an alum of Indiana University’s Individualized Major Program and is an associate member of the Stage Directors and Choreographers Society. He is also a former Emerging Leaders Group Generalist Fellow at Ars Nova. @kopnick on Instagram!