Explore the complexities of the human condition with PANGEA WORLD THEATER and TEATRO DEL PUEBLO's presentation of HOMO DRAMATICUS, featuring three short plays by Alberto Adellach in Minneapolis. Learn how to purchase tickets.
For its 2010 season, Teatro Circulo has invited Puerto Rican actress Johanna Rosaly to join the cast of Argentinean playwright Alberto Adellach's SABINA Y LUCRECIA, directed by Dean Zayas.
For its 2010 season, Teatro Circulo has invited Puerto Rican actress Johanna Rosaly to join the cast of Argentinean playwright Alberto Adellach's SABINA Y LUCRECIA, directed by Dean Zayas.
For its 2010 season, Teatro Circulo has invited Puerto Rican actress Johanna Rosaly to join the cast of Argentinean playwright Alberto Adellach's SABINA Y LUCRECIA, directed by Dean Zayas.