BWW Review: Ryan Landry Scares Up A NIGHTMARE ON ELF STREET
by Nancy Grossman - Dec 4, 2018
If you like a little horror with your ho-ho-ho, then program your GPS to guide your sleigh to Machine in the Fenway where Ryan Landry and the Gold Dust Orphans' 2018 Christmas spectacular is A NIGHTMARE ON ELF STREET, their holiday-themed tribute to '80's slasher films. A Freddy Krueger-like serial killer is methodically taking down students from Elf Street Academy, who just happen to be members of Santa Claus' flight team. Will the jolly old elf still be able to launch his worldwide journey, or will Krampus, the evil genius behind Freddy's deeds, succeed in stopping Christmas this year?
BWW Review: BROKELAHOMO! Gold Dust Orphans Go Western
by Nancy Grossman - May 1, 2018
Ryan Landry mines the Old West and Old Hollywood for his new Gold Dust Orphans springtime musical. It's a fast ride on a runaway train with more kicks than a buckin' bronco. Old Orphans and new rally around Director Robin JaVonne Smith, stepping into the big boots of the late, beloved Larry Coen, and she hits the bullseye. Don't let a team of wild horses keep you from BROKELAHOMO!