Adam Boden, studying MA in Shakespeare Studies at The Shakespeare Institute adding to an MA in Applied Theatre and PG Cert in Directing Text with Young People. Principal of Bodens Performing Arts, incorporating the Part Time Performing Arts School for young people and Bodens College of Performing Arts for 16 - 19 year olds. Committed and passionate; developing creative theatre, contributing to the impact and sustainability of the arts within education, maintaining the social and personal development of hundreds of young people, and producing really, really good theatre.
Work as a freelance theatre practitioner includes community and educational theatre; facilitation within primary schools, secondary schools and higher education.
Adam has also been the part of writing teams for the musicals performed in the UK Hercules, Cosmatomic, Pink, A Little Princess, A Knight at the Museum and Hamelin; An Interactive, Immersive Promenade Musical. Both A LIttle Princess and A KNight at the museum have also been performed in America