Photo Flash: Teens Write Tunes for the Musical Theater Songwriting Challenge
by Nicole Rosky - Apr 24, 2018
The final presentation of the recently expanded Musical Theater Songwriting Challenge, took place just last night. This year's Musical Theater Songwriting Challenge finalists included Eliza Corrington & Braxton Gerald Carr, Tucker Donelan, Jillian Guetersloh, Fritz Hager, Aaron Richert, and David Volpini. Check out photos from inside the special night below!
by Heidi Scheuermann - Jan 5, 2018
If someone told you they had the secret to eternal life and they wanted to share it with you, would you take them up on the offer? It sounds pretty good, right? Living forever. Getting to see the highs and lows of humanity, travel the world, experience different cultures, live through every period of time to ever exist, have the most diverse wardrobe imaginable (gotta keep up with the times, right?), maybe even solve some of the world's greatest mysteries or cure a disease, and all the while avoid what we fear the most... death. If you could, would you?