Review: BIRTHDAY CANDLES Crystallizes Moments at City Theatre
by Greg Kerestan - Mar 20, 2025
The first thing I noticed in the theatre at City Theatre's Birthday Candles was the set. I'm a longtime lover of thrift shops, junk shops and the maximalist 'detail everywhere' aesthetic of the Disney Imagineers. My companion for the night and I spent the preshow prying the set apart with our eyes (does that E mean anything? is that a flute or a clarinet in the box up there? hey, what's that in the corner there that I can't quite make out?), unaware that nearly every item in that montage would soon have a deeper meaning.
Review: H.M.S. PINAFORE at Winter Opera
by Steve Callahan - Nov 8, 2024
It's a splendid production of Gilbert & Sullivan’s 'H.M.S. Pinafore', and it brims with glorious music, wonderful voices, and bright, delightful, timeless comedy.
by Brett Cullum - Oct 17, 2024
I've tried to draw as much from the novel as I possibly could. I have seen a handful of film depictions. There's one thing in the novel that Van Helsing mentions about how Dracula has what Van Helsing calls a child's brain. That being undead, you are reborn at that moment, and much of your experience of the world around you starts over.
Interview: Christopher Michael of CINDERELLA At Sierra Rep Shares His Thoughts on the West Coast, WICKED, and the Wonderful World of Sonora
by Courtney Symes - Dec 16, 2023
The Prince is giving a ball! Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella is nearing the end of its run at Sierra Repertory Theatre (SRT) in Sonora, and you don’t want to miss the party. Slightly different than its Disney counterpart, this Cinderella is the sophisticated sister. Full of humor, social causes, and beautiful gowns, it has everything needed to entertain the whole family. BroadwayWorld spoke to Christopher Michael, who plays endearing revolutionary Jean Michel, about Cinderella, Sierra Rep, and which coast is the best coast.
LOST LEAR Will Embark on Ireland Tour
by Stephi Wild - Aug 2, 2023
Following the national and international tour of A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings, Dan Colley and his company have turned their sights on a very (very) loose adaptation of King Lear, examining the self and that part of us that's inaccessible to others.
Review: Pittsburgh CLO Sets Sail with ANYTHING GOES at Benedum Center
by Greg Kerestan - Jun 15, 2023
Almost every time you see a major production of Anything Goes, it'll vary in some way from the last one you saw. There are at least three licensable editions of the show, from as far back as the 1930s and as recent as 2022. The song stack is in perpetual flux between a long list of Cole Porter greatest hits and B-sides, and there are several characters who appear only in certain editions of the show. About a decade ago, the show underwent a reputation update from 'park and bark' diva and vaudeville standard to an all-singing-all-dancing showcase for triple-threat performers. It's a lot of wigs on a very old head, but somehow the show still works.