"Pie in the Sky" written by Lawrance Thelen is a bitter sweet tale of the love between a Mother and daughter. The pair share memories including Mamma's secret recipe for apple pie as they literally bake a pie in the process. Rebecca Havely directs the production at the Groves Cabin Theatre in Morongo Valley, 8758 Desert Willow Trail.
Joy Groves portrays Mamma and Vickie Montgomery plays her daughter Dory. The play will run Saturday evenings at 7 p.m. and Sunday afternoons at 2:30 p.m. from April 13 through May 5.
All performance dates have availability now. However, this intimate venue sells out quickly. Tickets are $15. cash at the door and reservations are a must. Call Joy at 760-365-4523 and leave a message, your call will be returned.