Encore Theatre District will present the hilarious comedy, Beyond Therapy by Christopher Durang, as the final installment in their inaugural performance season. Beyond Therapy centers around two Manhattanites, Bruce and Prudence, who navigate their romantic lives with the help of their crazed therapists. Bruce is an eccentric bisexual man who likes to cry, which Prudence does not care for. The two go on a disastrous date before reporting back to their therapists-Stuart, who has repeatedly lusted after Prudence, and Charlotte, who attempts to guide Bruce by quoting from Peter Shaffer's play, Equus.
The mission of The Encore Theatre District is integrating diversity through the performing arts and inspiring the surrounding communities. Beyond Therapy follows very successful productions of Octavio Solis' Lydia and Sam Bobrick's The Psychic. Encore Theatre District will hold auditions for Beyond Therapy on Saturday February 24 at Cathedral City Library from 1pm-3pm. Performances will be held at the Palm Springs High School Black Box on May 18,19, 25 and 26 at 7pm and May 1920,26 and 27 at 2pm. For more info, visit Facebook.com/EncoreTheatreDistrict